"Shoot for the gold"

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Just a couple of weeks after moving to AFIL,
we are out on the trail of Simon
and his sporting activities.

As you can see, from the cover of the program,
he has got into a basketball tournament already.

He is playing in the "Bachman Bulls"
basketball team.

Coach says: "He is a welcome
addition to the team".



Here is my boy Simon... He's hot
from playing Basketball!

GO 23!!!

Coach is telling them what
to do to try and win
during a time-out.

Simon is second in from the right
on the back row.

Two sweatty kids!

Simon and Kyle.

At the end of the game, they all line
up and shake hands with the opposing team.

Very sportsman like of them, considering
that just afew moments ago, they
were all mortal enemies!


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